The map above shows which countries have recorded temperatures above 48°C (118.4F) and which countries have recorded temperatures below -48°C (-54.4F) and most interesting of all which have recorded both!
The United States is the leader in temperature extremes with the hottest temperature of any recorded place on earth of 56.7 °C at Death Valley and one of the coldest at −62.2 °C Prospect Creek, Alaska. A difference of 118.9°C!
Other countries with 100°C+ temperature extremes in order are:
- Russia (113.2 °C)
- Canada (112.6 °C)
- Tajikistan (111.0 °C)
- India (111.0 °C)
- China (108.3 °C)
- Kazakhstan (106.1 °C)
- Pakistan (105.7 °C)
- Afghanistan (102.1 °C)
Countries that have recorded temperatures both above 48°C and below -48°C are:
- Canada
- United States
- Italy
- Pakistan
- India
- China
- Afghanistan
- Kazakhstan
- Tajikistan
Countries that have only recorded temperatures above 48°C include:
- Tunisia
- Israel
- Kuwait
- Iran
- Iraq
- United Arab Emirates
- Saudi Arabia
- Mexico
- Morocco
- Algeria
- Egypt
- Oman
- Western Sahara
- Australia
- Qatar
- Turkmenistan
- South Africa
- Jordan
- Sudan
- Syria
- Turkey
- Argentina
- Niger
- Greece
Countries that have only recorded temperatures below -48°C include:
Interestingly, 5 US states and 1 Canadian proinvce would also qualify for recording temperatures above 48°C and below -48°C in their own right:
- Utah
- North Dakota
- Idaho
- South Dakota
- Oregon
- British Columbia
But interestingly, Montana has the biggest extreme of any US state with a low of −57 °C and a high of 47°C for a combined difference of 104°C. However, that’s still not as much as the Canadian province of British Columbia with a range of 108.5°C!
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