The Association of Relocation Professionals (ARP) is a professional body for the relocation industry in the UK. Its mission is not just to represent its members but to help them market themselves and grow too.
Key facts about the ARP:
- The ARP is the body for relocation professionals in the UK.
- The Association of Relocation Professionals was formed in 1986.
- ARP members carry full professional Indemnity, Public and Employers Liability Insurance to protect clients and providers.
- The ARP has a set of rules of conduct that members must abide by, which includes rules as to how client money is handled and avoiding misrepresentation.
- All Members offering relocation services must show that they have joined a Property Redress Scheme and have signed up to the HMRC Anti-Money Laundering Register if they are involved in the purchase of property.
- The ARP is a founder member and sponsor of the European Academy of Relocation Professionals (EARP), the first organisation to offer European training qualifications in relocation.
Association of Relocation Professionals profile:
The ARP is described as the professional body for relocation businesses in the UK and represents a range of members, from Corporate Relocation Specialists, to Property Finders and others who provide specialist relocation services.
The ARP runs accredited training for its members – as part of the European Academy of Relocation Professionals (EARP), it offers the Managing International Mobility (MIM) qualification as well as the European Relocation Qualification (ERQ).
The ARP produces a directory of members that is sent to 6,000 HR managers, directors and HRO’s across the UK, the idea being to help promote members and help them to market themselves better.
The ARP is designed to be both a commitment to best practice, customer satisfaction and professionalism and a forum for ideas to be exchanged so as to help keep the industry moving.
Criteria for membership:
Associate membership
Associate Membership of the ARP applies to those who do not qualify for Full Membership and is open to companies whose commercial activities are related to and whose income is derived from private individuals or corporate bodies for the provision of relocation related services.
A relocation company is deemed to be any organisation offering a range of services designed to facilitate the mobility of individuals, or groups of individuals and their families.
Such services may be delivered in the departure or destination area or both. Associate Membership of ARP is intended as a stepping-stone to Full Membership and every assistance will be given to you in achieving this.
Affiliate membership
For companies who provide services used by relocation professionals, but whose primary activity has a broader client base.
Full membership
For companies who have traded for more than two years.
Associate Members are required to submit references that are then checked and submitted to the Membership Committee of the ARP for final vetting. Associate Members are required to undertake training at Level One of the EARP syllabus before they can apply for Full Membership.
Full Members must have been trading for more than two years and must submit an application including references from three clients.
Sample Member Companies
Opinions about the ARP:
The ARP appears on numerous UK websites and is described as the professional body that overseas relocation providers in the UK.
Being a member of the ARP is perceived as demonstrating that a relocation business is meeting and exceeding recognised industry standards. According to Bloomberg the ARP’s principal activity “is to promote and protect the business and profession of relocation agents.” A number of those quoting the ARP on their websites make the point that it is setting standards for the industry in terms of best practice, customer service and professionalism.
Encouraging best practice within the industry and tasked with keeping members abreast of the latest legislative changes from money laundering to multiple occupancy homes, our membership is a commitment to you that we are at the leading edge, and have been for over 25 years, of the relocation profession.
As a member of the Association of Relocation Professionals (ARP) Source clients can be sure that the service provided meets and exceeds recognised industry standards.
Consisting of representatives from all sectors of the industry, the council steer the work of the Association from the ground up, thereby ensuring that the Association remain at the focus of changes in relocation.
ARP members carry full professional Indemnity, Public and Employers Liability Insurance to protect clients and providers.
ARP membership is proof of a commitment to best practice, customer satisfaction and professionalism.